Thanks all
Well I found that if you look at the View Explorer, the stats of your image geometry are all there.
So I looked at both images and with Dynamic crop I typed in the Width and Height for the largest image.
and viola!, I could use the LRGB tool.
So here it is. It could be and I can do better, but tracking wasn't great and with the LP, including the wonderful Christmas lighting, I am surprised it came out this good.
I am open to any suggestions of course.
That is why I like this forum.
On another note:, I actually took a few subs of the target with a shorter exp time to help eliminate some of the saturated core.
But I added all subs into the BPP for this test. I'm sure this isn't correct.
If that is not the best way, could someone explain what would be the preferred method to try to retain the data in the core.
Scott T.