I do mostly DSLR as well, and the files are huge, so once I've generated masters (lights, dark, flat), and I'm reasonably satisfied that the dark and flat masters are good, I'll throw away all the intermediate files for darks, flats, and lights, as well as the dark and flat original RAW files (with my DSLR, I take fresh darks and flats every session, so I have never seen a need to keep the originals as long as the integration and calibration looks good).
For the lights, I'll archive the original RAW files to a DVD so I can get them off the hard drive, and have a safe permanent backup. I suppose I could do the same with the dark and flat RAW, but like I said, I rarely bother.
I have master BIAS I've generated for every ISO I'm likely to use, and I only kept the masters (I threw away the orginal RAW and all the intermediates).
So after image calibration and integration, the only thing I have on my 3TB drive is the master dark, flat, and light frames for each image or imaing session, and my master bias for each ISO. So far, after almost two years, I only have about 1 TB filled on my 3TB drive.