Thank you for you answer !
First, i have 3 values so I suppose (because I have images coming from my 350D) that each value concerns R, G and B channels ?
Well, i found that in the doc :
The reference noise reduction value is relative to the reference image (the first input image), while the median noise reduction is the median of computed values for all images; this is the most significant value that should be minimized to achieve the best possible SNR increment.So I understand that i must try to obtain the smallers values as possible in the line median noise reduction ?
To obtain these statistics, I made a ImageIntegration with no rejection, thinking that i will obtain the best SNR as possible. Am I right ?
Then, i made a second ImageIntegration (with my 30 images) using a Linear Fit Clipping, and I obtain this result :
I see that the first value (2,228) is now higher (so the snr of the R channel is lower ?), and the second ans third values are lower (so the snr of the G and B channels are better ?) ...
Well, it's not clear for me :
- the R value can increase while the G and B values can decrease ?
- I thought that a Integration whith no rejection would always produce a better snr (so lower value on all channels ?) that a integration with rejection, right or wrong ?
- what's the way to improve the snr on all channels ? Or must I try to improve the snr on one particular channel depending of my image ?
Sorry for all these questions ...