Last night I was testing a new telescope (AT 12 RC) and tried to image M74.
I did about 10 frame of 600 seconds each and 3 dark frame on 600 seconds each.
In PixInsight, I took the 3 dark frame and integrated them (Sigma Integration), saved them as one master dark frame.
I then proceed to calibrating the light frame (using ImageCalibration). Selected all my light frames , checked only Master Dark as I didn't do any flat or bias (this was still just for testing), added all my light frame and applied. Only Optimized was check for the dark frame.
I then did the registration with StarAlignement, select the first light frame as the reference and added all the other (add files).
Once aligned I went back to integration, selected all the aligne frame (adding in the reference one).
I enable the ScreenTransferFunction and noticed some artifact on the images : dark pixels that look like the one from the dark frame with the image drift applied !!
you can see the (quickly) processed fits file here : a PNG version for a quick look : what am I doing wrong here ?
I was assuming that when PixInsight was removing a hot pixel from the frame it was replacing it with the average (or other interpolation) of the nearby pixels. If that's not the case how do I do this ?
Thank you