Jim, thanks for the reply and the encouragement (and the crib sheet!). It's not one I want to give up on, as I can see the potential in the whole PixInsight program.
Unfortunately, I suspect my question wasn't clear as you appear to have kindly answered a rather different one.
I have 50 frames of a star field with a comet. The comet moves against the stars and I want to align all the frames so that the comet is fixed and the stars will therefore trail.
There is a "Comet Alignment" process in PixInsight which uses the comet's position in the first frame and the last frame to interpolate where it should be in the intermediate frames, by reference to the time stamp on each frame. Normally this would be fine, but as my RA drive stopped a couple of times during capture, the interpolation does not work because there isn't a consistent line between frame 1 and frame 50.
I want to be able to designate the comet in each frame, given that its movement from frame to frame is not consistent. So I need a process that allows me to indicate the comet on each frame, rather than just the first and last with interpolation. I was wondering whether the Dynamic Alignment process was the right one to use.
Since sending the original question, I have found a work-around: first, Star Align all the frames, which recalibrates the interpolation from first to last, then second, Comet Align as normal. This works well. In fact it is probably the solution, rather than just a work-around.
Thanks again for your response anyway!