Hi Steve,
I would be curious to know your reason for wanting to apply the blue flats to all of the color channels. Are you shooting through separate R, G, and B (+/- narrowband) filters?
The reason I ask is because I've often heard that one should shoot a separate set of flats for each filter. A flat-field frame compensates for uneven illumination, including dust on the filter. Therefore (it is often argued), one should shoot a set of flats for each filter, since each filter could have a different set of dust particles on it, producing different shadows on the sensor.
I shoot a separate set of flats for each color filter in my filter wheel. I've been pleased with the results. I must admit, though, that the pattern of dust spots looks pretty much the same from filter to filter, so I suspect I'm really mostly seeing dust on the CCD sensor window. But, just in case there are some dust spots from the filters that I'm not noticing when visually inspecting my raw lights, I shoot flats for each filter.
- Marek