I have no idea why the bias has more signal than your camera. Maybe it's just how this camera performs? Same with the pattern you described.
It's strange what you say about the flat that it doesn't match the light, the really bad specs are actually on the ccd and not the filters so they shouldn't move during filter changes. The camera wasn't moved or rotated but I did a very small adjustment to the focus one time but can that really move the dust motes that much? How do people do that refocus after filter changes for example?
If I calibrate just one light with the posted bias and flat I get the same overcorrected vignetting as the master shown in the first post.
well the entire camera vibrates a little bit when the filter wheel is moved, so in theory it could cause dust on the CCD to move a little bit as well.
focus is not super critical for vignetting. i don't have any experience with newts but given the optical distortions inherent in newts i wonder if focus could affect dust shadows at the corners of the image more than at the center. this is certainly something you could try to characterize.
anyway we have had recent threads here with bad flats where some attempt was made to modify the flat to fix it up. strictly speaking this is the wrong thing to do, and to be honest i don't think it has anything to do with pixinsight's calibration - the methods for calibrating a frame are very much fixed and every program is going to do pretty much the same thing. the only real "freedom" is whether or not and how much to scale a dark frame. of course the flat scaling factor has to be computed but i think this should be the same no matter the program. but the bias signal (and dark signal) in a flat can throw that scaling computation off, which is why i'm thinking about the bias frame so much.
i still think there is something funny about the bias frame, but i guess you'd have to ask other SX users (or SX themselves) about it. although my camera is also based on the KAF-8300M all of the surrounding electronics are going to be different, so it's hard to say if your camera is performing normally.
anyway, outside of the bias, phil's suggestion to experiment with flat exposure is certainly something you can try.
by any chance are you using a fast readout mode? for me fast readout is not supported by my imaging capture program so i never use it. takes about 1.5 or 2 sec to download a bin 1x1 frame over USB2.0.