Author Topic: Comet alignment  (Read 5175 times)

Offline diurnal

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Comet alignment
« on: 2013 November 08 23:17:00 »

I been trying to stack some comet images.

1. i put my light frames in 'CometAlignment' and then process them

2. next i open 'batchpreprocessing' and load darks, bias, flats, and the images i just processed through 'cometalignment'

3. i get an error " *** Error: RANSAC: Unable to find a valid set of star pair matches.

*** Applying error policy: Continue on error."

Is the the correct way to process comet images? I'm stuck in a loop here.

I tried to load my images without using 'cometalignment' and it works, but the comet is saturated or something.

Offline NKV

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Re: Comet alignment
« Reply #1 on: 2013 November 09 21:37:35 »

I been trying to stack some comet images.

1. i put my light frames in 'CometAlignment' and then process them

2. next i open 'batchpreprocessing' and load darks, bias, flats, and the images i just processed through 'cometalignment'

Oh....  :footinmouth:
Use CometAlignment only after batchpreprocessing please.  Not before. ;)

Offline diurnal

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Re: Comet alignment
« Reply #2 on: 2013 November 10 14:11:52 »

i had to go learn the manual process, instead of the batchprocess.

so i did.
1. 'imagecalibration' for darks, flats, biases. this creates the master files.
2.'imagecalibration' of the lights, using the master darks, flats, biases
3.'batchdebayer' the light frames
4. Instead of 'Staralignment' use 'cometalignment'
5. Then use the resulting images for 'Imageintegration'.
6. Done

Additionally, i took out most of the stars using this link.

I did another set of images using the 'batchpreprocessing' but the comet is misaligned. however the stars are aligned. I'm thinking about using the starfield and putting the comet in the picture. i think i can do that with photoshop, not sure how to do it in Pixinsight. well that was a long process. :o

Offline NKV

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Re: Comet alignment
« Reply #3 on: 2013 November 12 02:20:17 »
4. Instead of 'Staralignment' use 'cometalignment'
5. Then use the resulting images for 'Imageintegration'.
Should be:
4. StarAlignment
5. CometAlignment ( see documentation )

Offline diurnal

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Re: Comet alignment
« Reply #4 on: 2013 November 14 16:58:14 »
1. i 'batchpreprocess'
2. then i opened the 'registered files' ( or is it the calibrated files.?)
3. use 'cometalignment'
4. then 'imageintegration'
5. the result was aligned comet but stars are gone. is this how it's done?

edit: just unticked 'pixilrejection' in 'image integration' and the stars are streaks.