I'm like you and like hardcopy, though I can't recommend Harry's Tutorials highly enough since they really help getting started.
In any event, here is the latest iteration of a cribsheet I have been developing. As a recent convert from the world of CCDStack and Photshop I needed something at my side as I worked through the various processes. Its by no means perfect and you are encouraged to experiment with all my settings, but it have a well worked workflow and some explanation of how to use the various tools. I keep updating, for example I just changed my workflow to recommend no doing any noise reduction in the linear (pre permanent stretch) phase .based on tests I have been running in the last day or two so clearly its a work in progress. If you would like a Word version to tailor to your own needs, just drop me an email.
It is a steep curve, but well worth the effort and my no means overwhelming. Hell, if I can do it, anybody can.
Best of luck,