Hi Don,
24-bit STFs are now working perfectly fine in the current development version of PixInsight 1.8.0. We are very close to the public release.
The specific case of NGC 7023 that Vicent has mentioned is a very extreme case. In this screenshot you can see how the image looks like with the traditional 16-bit STF (left) and the new 24-bit STF (right):
This image still shows a little bit of posterization in the darkest areas, even with 24-bit screen LUTs. To be completely free from posterization, this image would need a 28-bit STF, which is impractical for obvious reasons.
20-bit screen LUTs are sufficient for the vast majority of HDR linear images. In fact, we had implemented 20-bit STFs, which were working fine for all of our test HDR images, until Vicent uploaded this 7023 image for testing. This image "convinced" me of the necessity to reimplement STFs using 24-bit LUTs instead of 20-bit, but it is definitely a truly borderline case as I have said.