Author Topic: pre-evaluate Image Sets  (Read 2331 times)

Offline dmfenster

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pre-evaluate Image Sets
« on: 2013 October 29 19:36:55 »
I'm a new guy - that would be very new...  Have one processing run under my belt.  My question is - Is there a process that allows one to evaluate images.  Just load them up and flip through and tossing ones that have something wrong??  For those of you familiar with Nebulosity, there is an awesome tool int there to do this.  The Nebulosity tool allows you to rename and delete on the fly.  I realize I could just use Neb, but it would be nice to do this in PI.

Pretty cool forum - got through my first batch using tutorials and this forum.  Tried searching for the above but didn't find anything.


Woodbridge, VA

Offline mads0100

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Re: pre-evaluate Image Sets
« Reply #1 on: 2013 October 29 19:56:24 »
There is a plugin over in the plugin forums. It works pretty good. I still like DSS's routine for it.

Offline pfile

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Re: pre-evaluate Image Sets
« Reply #2 on: 2013 October 29 20:41:46 »
there are 2 levels of this in PI.

1st is the Blink process, where you can load up your images and animate them. you should be able to spot bad frames this way. Blink will let you select some number of frames and copy or move them to another directory.

2nd, in 1.8RC7 there is a script written by mike schuster called SubFrameSelector that will take all your frames and analyze them for many different metrics, then either copy or move accepted frames, or copy or move rejected frames.

there's actually a couple of good threads here on SFS, so just search the forum for SubFrameSelector and you'll get some hints about how to use it.
