Author Topic: Creating Mask of Target only  (Read 10772 times)

Offline Jameedon

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Offline oldwexi

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Re: Creating Mask of Target only
« Reply #16 on: 2013 November 26 12:16:54 »
Hi Jameedon!
Thanks for providing the TIF File. From my point of view the issue is a little complex.
Find attached a link to a screenshot after processing your file.
This screenshot shows on the left your original and on the right the starreduced result.

Concerning starmask as your image is somehow linear and not stretched, moving the
midtone cursor in the starmask process to the left gets you more stars in the mask.
Using a stretched Image you can let the midtone Cursor at 0.5)

(Your stars in the Image are very big, even the smallest one are 15 Pixel wide.
So, if you use in the MMT only the first 4 layers these and the bigger stars are not removed.
According to your blown stars you have to "redcross" more layers.
The same is valid for the Morphology.

Generally please let me mention that you have softened the image much to much!
And during softening you have more or less transformed small stars groups to small nebulae.

Also the DBE has to be done again.

From my point of view the workfölow would be better
Deconvolution  to remove seeing (sharpens the stars instead of softening them with TGVD)
than a masked MMT Noise reduction to the background only (or a small TGVD to the background)

and now stretch
and now the star reduction method.

Hope this helps a little. If you have available the stacked image before DBE and TGVD,
i would be interested in it.
