Author Topic: Experienced Users in Southern California  (Read 2360 times)

Offline Alex McConahay

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  • Posts: 12
Experienced Users in Southern California
« on: 2013 October 25 14:24:16 »
I'm trying to set up a get together for imagers in southern California. I bring this up here because I need some people who know Pixinsight. 

In particular, I am looking for some people with experience in Pixinsight who could share with others. I am not looking for a "presentation" or a "workshop" so much as some peole who would love to sit around for an afternoon at our dark sky site, and shoot the breeze while people are trying to use Pixinsight. We have all read what is available, and watched the tutorials, and worked through some of it ourselves. But it would be great to have some people who have used this stuff get together and swap stories, hints, advice, and maybe even learn something.

Again, I am not looking for formal presentations. THis is not the Powerpoint, "Sage on the Stage," etc show. Just a half dozen or so people getting together to get better in Pixinsight.

If you are interested in this, please send me an email through the personal message system, or reply here.
