My hope, with my approval expression, is to keep all of the data that approximates the best I got that evening.
Conditions change, equipment changes, and so on. There is no hard number for FWHM, or SNRWeight, or anything else imo, that's going to always represent the "right" data to keep. So, asking to keep "All data with an FWHM of 4 or less" is going to reject some of the better frames some nights, but keep some of the lesser ones on others. So too will some values vary from one object to the next, or one piece of equipment to the next.
Instead, then, I sought a way to reject outliers, and keep a significant sample. Thus, my expression to keep things that fall within 2 deviations of the median. In that way, if I had a significant number of bad frames (perhaps seeing went south, or focus slipped) I don't include poor frames in order to "force" some percentage, but if I have a particularly good night, I don't toss otherwise acceptable frames for the same reason. By the same thinking, I don't keep outliers that happen to just sneak in under some arbitrary value, but are well out of line with other frames, and don't reject good frames that are just barely above/below that value on nights when conditions may not have been perfect.
IMO...and it's likely not worth much, newbie that I am...the two properties that seem to be most determinant for MY tastes and processing skills are FWHM and SNRWeight. So, my expression has become:
FWHMSigma < 2 -- FWHM Less than 2 deviations above the median
SNRWeightSigma > -2 -- SNRWeight less than 2 deviations below the median
WeightSigma > -2 -- Result of Weight expression less than 2 deviations below the median
My Weight expression (called MYWEIGHT) is :
(2 * SNRWeight) - FWHM
Which, when combined with the evaluation in the expression above, allows me to kick out frames that just barely squeaked by the first two test, but are near the "worst" end of both. In other words, I'll keep a particularly low FWHM even if it's a bit noisy, or a particularly high SNR even if the FWHM is a bit high...but I don't want to keep one that just snuck under the limit for both. SNRWeight-FWHM was tried, but resulted in negative values every so often, which then tripped up Image Integration later on.
Finally, MYWEIGHT is written to the headers, and used in Image Integration for "Weights".
Is any of this "right" or "good"? I have no idea. As I made clear by asking the question in the first place, I obviously know just enough statistics to be dangerous to myself and others. But, for me at least, the results have been really rather dramatic. Sessions that previously produced integrations that proved too noisy to process easily, and seemed to lack sharpness, now produce integrations that are a joy to work with.