Thanks for the clarification.
Lately I've been using Nebulosity for capturing images and pre-processing (calibration only) and all other processings are done with PixInsight. My cameras have been Sony based CCDs and don't require dark subtraction so I use Nebulosity for Bad Pixel Mapping and calibrate with bias and flats also with Nebulosity.
My new camera will be QSI 683wsg which contains Kodak KAF-8300 CCD. This will be my first Kodak chip and I understand that Kodak CCDs require dark subtraction. I am trying to learn PixInsight Image Calibration but I am not successful calibrating flats. I followed PixInsight's tutorial: procedures described from Master Flat Generation (I) section, it always removes too much data from flat subs using Master Dark and Master Bias. It's almost as if it's calibrating with 10 minute darks instead of scaled darks. I have been practicing Image Calibration using images taken with Atik 460EX (Sony ICX694) camera. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have no issues running Image Integration of Bias and Dark subs to create Master Bias and Master Dark. I also have Warren Keller's video tutorial but my Image Calibration of flat subs are still unsuccessful.
Image Calibration of flat subs seems to work if I put Master Bias image in Master Dark section of IC and checked "Calibration" box and uncheck "Optimize" box. Master Bias section of IC was disabled. I am at work right now so I am not 100% positive this is what i did to make IC of flat subs successful.
I appreciate any help and suggestions.