If the data is properly scaled in the normalized range, then just changing that readout option should work.
Dirt workaround: use the Rescale process.
Real solution: find out which value MaximDL is using for storing a saturated signal, and for zero signal. Then, configure the fits format preferences with those values.
FYI, PixInsight uses the convention of interpreting floating point values using the normalized range. That means, 0.0 is black, and 1.0 is white. Other softwares use floating point to store "fractional" ADUs, i.e. 0.0 is black, and 65535 is white... There is no definition in the FITS format on how to proceed with floating point values, so basically each software does what it wants, and that causes all the incompatibility problems. For storing raw data, 32bits f.p. format is highly discouraged for that reason. Unsigned integer values should be used, since that is the output of the ADC. And even then, there are problems with the use of the most significant, or the less significant bits...