Author Topic: Settings for Linear Fit Clipping  (Read 2862 times)

Offline jerryyyyy

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Settings for Linear Fit Clipping
« on: 2013 September 02 09:48:46 »

Have been getting into the details  >:D of integrating some of my O-III images and have been reading on Linear Fit Low and High.  The defaults are 5.0 and 2.5 respectively.  I have fooled with these bit because my O-III images have a certain amount of "salt and pepper" to then in the Cocoon Nebula.  This gets better with more subs, but not clear if I might optimize these settings somewhat. 

PS the combination should be "average", right. 

Takahashi 180ED
Astrophysics Mach1
SBIG STT-8300M and Nikon D800
PixInsight Maxim DL 6 CCDComander TheSkyX FocusMax

Offline Ignacio

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Re: Settings for Linear Fit Clipping
« Reply #1 on: 2013 September 02 19:10:07 »
My understanding is that you have to crank the values as high as possible, as long as you get rid of "all" the outliers (hot and cold pixels, sat trails, etc.).

I typically use 7 sigma low and 5 sigma high, with about 30 frames, to achieve this.

hope it helps,

Offline jerryyyyy

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Re: Settings for Linear Fit Clipping
« Reply #2 on: 2013 September 03 07:09:31 »
My understanding is that you have to crank the values as high as possible, as long as you get rid of "all" the outliers (hot and cold pixels, sat trails, etc.).

I typically use 7 sigma low and 5 sigma high, with about 30 frames, to achieve this.

hope it helps,

Thanks, I'll try these with the subs from last night.  Finally some really crisp skys in california last night. 

PS  Turned out much better...
« Last Edit: 2013 September 03 07:56:53 by jerryyyyy »
Takahashi 180ED
Astrophysics Mach1
SBIG STT-8300M and Nikon D800
PixInsight Maxim DL 6 CCDComander TheSkyX FocusMax