Hi Jeff,
Here is some more info, I don't know if it will help. For a no bias calibration, I believe the standard formula subtracts the master dark and then divides by the master flat, with a normalization equal to the mean of the master flat. PixelMath for this is
(light - masterDark) * (mean(masterFlat) / masterFlat)
I tried this in PixelMath (with rescale off) and the result equals the output of ImageCalibration (setup with no master bias) exactly.
So this is what the no bias ImageCalibration does, and it matches what I believe is the standard no bias calibration formula.
I also tried BatchPreprocessing using my master dark and flat (and checking the appropriate options). BatchPreprocessing generated a "no bias" warning message, but the results equaled ImageCalibration and PixelMath exactly.
To make this work, master dark and master flat need to be generated properly. Just to be clear, the master dark is an integration of darks that HAVE NOT BEEN bias subtracted, with no normalization and weights equal to one. The master flat on the other hand is an integration of flats that HAVE BEEN master flat-dark subtracted, with multiplicative normalization and weights equal to one. So to do this right you need a master flat-dark also (integrated like the master dark was). These guidelines are documented in Vicent's tutorial on calibration.
For my setup, I use 2400s darks (that match my 2400s lights) and 24s flat-darks (that match my 24s panel flats), all at the same temp and binning. No biases at all.
It appears that BatchPreprocessing does not support both darks and flat-darks with no biases at the same time, to generate masters as well as calibrate and integrate darks, flats and lights all in one run, but I may be mistaken.