Hi Mike,
I just tried a comparison with the old version of StarAlignment, which I still have running on my old laptop.
As an example, one of the Ha images has 138 stars detected in the new version, vs 17158 stars in the old version, both using the default parameters. That number (17158) is obviously incorrect and includes a lot of hot pixels and other noise, but the RANSAC iterations start limiting things to fewer brightest stars, and eventually RANSAC gets enough valid star matches and solves the image. In the new version, only 9 out of 14 images are successfully solved - the other 5 never get enough stars. I changed the Log(sensitivity) to its minimum, -3, but saw little or no change in the number of stars detected.
Granted, I'm working with difficult images, but it seems as if there has been some fundamental change in star detection, unless I'm missing something else. I'll keep trying other changes, and may take you up on your offer to look at the images on your system. I can put them in a shared Dropbox folder for you, but let me keep trying first.
Also, did you mean 20 minutes, not seconds for your images? Mine are 10 minutes 3nm at f/8, so fairly dim. I'll use 20 minutes next time!
Thanks for your help.