Got to say, while I am not suffering the types of problems PFile reported, I will be glad to see the release of 1.8.0 because there are some stability problems with the current release, as much as I love it. Its mostly little annoying stuff that a reboot fixes (merely shutting down and restarting PI is usually not enough) but they are there nonetheless: tools that stop responding, buttons that no longer work (most common is the triangle "apply to image" button on the bottom left stops functioning so you can't drag a tool process to the workspace or apply the tool by dragging the triangle onto an image), images that aren't recognized after loading, etc., etc.
The one big bust I run into and have reported on several times is a bug somewhere in PI's interface with images acquired using MaximDL. For me, having raw lights and flats show up out of range is more common than I care for and each time it crops up it takes a different work around in PI before I can get my images in range, which is a shame because MAximDL is to image acquisition what PI is to image processing, IMHO. And given that this only happens on one out of every 3 or 4 times I image tells me something funky is going on behind the scenes. If anybody cares, I am running PI under Windows 8.1 on a Samsung Laptop with 8GB of Ram and an i7 core (for anyone who remembers my prior posts about trying a swtich to Linux, well, lets just say that didn't go particularly well
so I went back with my tail between my legs to mother Microsoft, *sigh*)
Again, nothing I can't work around, but if we are honest, there are stability issues with 1.8 RC7. As such, while I have not used it myself, I do have some sympathy for those asking for continued support for 1.7 until we see how 1.8.0 holds up under live conditions.
That said, there is nothing that even comes close to PI so I would put up with a whole lot worse.
Just saying,