Cosmetic correction is only necessary if your images are not dithered (i.e. stars dont move between images). For me, this is only the case for widefields (<=85 mm). For standard telescope shots (750mm), my messy mount does the dithering "automatically". If dithering exists, pixel rejection does the trick of removing hot pixels, satellite trails etc. .
In my case, the images are dithered, but in a concrete example. I have 6 3600s O-III images of the Cat's Eye nebula. I am trying to collect >10. I get 1/night. 2/6 currently have sattelite trails... seems the longer the sub, the more time over target, and the more likely to have a sattelite trail. If I look at a typical trail in detail, it is as much as 5 pixels wide. So if the rejection scheme looks around one of those pixels, it will see another pixel of similar intensity, so will not reject.
I am using the BatchPrepocessing Script and using the "Average" Combination and
Winsorized Sigma Clipping with Low of 4.0 and High 1,96 settings.
I am not sure what algorithm would work even with 20 images if the trails are 5 pixels wide.
Does not seem CosmeticCorrection would add anything.
What am I missing here?