I said I would post back here with my results, so here goes...
Method to calibrate Ha subs from DSLRTake light frames (ISO1600 10mins)
I typically take as many lights as I can in the time, you can't take too many.
Take calibration frames. I now take the following in this order:
flats (30) using an EL panel exposure @ f5 ISO200 5seconds
bias (150) fastest shutter speed (i.e. 1/4000 sec) at same ISO as the lights (ISO1600)
[Cap on scope/camera]dark flats (30) same ISO as the flats (ISO200) and same exposure length as flats (5sec)
[Cap on scope/camera]darks (30) same ISO as the lights (ISO1600) and same exposure length as lights (10min)
[Cap on scope/camera]Remember those are my exposures, they may be different for you.
The following is the calibration method I used, followed by the processing method. The end result is the Ha image of NGC 7000 & the Pelican Nebula.
I am not saying this is the correct method, but it worked for me, and you can use it as a basis for experimentation.
Also note that this is only for use with Ha images where only the red channel has data. As pfile says, this may not work for a green channel as there are two pixels involved.
CalibrationBatchDeBayer the RAW DSLR (CR2) files using the Super Pixel method.
BatchChannelExtraction the DeBayered files: Just the red channel.
The result is a mono file that has no contamination from the other two channels.
This makes files much smaller 14Mb in my case.
Do this for all subs and calibration files.
To speed this up, if all files are located in one folder they can be done in one batch for both the BatchDeBayer & BatchChannelExtraction.
Also being much smaller files this also speeds up all subsequent processing.
Intergrate the bias frames to produce the master bias:
No hints
Image Integration
No normalization
Don't care (all weights=1)
Scale estimator (default Iterative k-sigma)
Select generate integrated image
NO (Evaluate noise)
Pixel Rejection (1)
Winsorized Sigma
No normalisation
all boxes selected
Pixel Rejection (2)
Min/Max low: 1
Min/Max high: 1
Percentile low: 0.020
Percentile high: 0.010
Sigma low: 4
Sigma high: 3
Linear fit low: 5
Linear fit high: 2.5
Range low: 0
Range high: 0.98
Save the integrated bias as a master bias
Now calibrate the darks using the master bias using ImageCalibration:
Add dark files
Set Output dir
Tick Master Bias and pick master bias file
do not tick Calibrate
do not tick Master Dark or Master Flat
Use ImageIntegration as for the master bias and save the master dark.
Next integrate the dark flats and save the master dark flat, the process being the same as the master dark & bias.
Calibrate flats using the dark flats, there is no need to use the bias as this is already in the data with the dark flat:
Only select the Master Dark, which in this case is the master dark flat just saved. Do not tick the calibrate or optimize.
integrate the calibrated flats using ImageIntegration:
Image Integration:
Add files
Don't care (all weights=1)
Tick: generate integrated image
Pixel Rejection (1)
Percentile Clipping
Equalize fluxes
all boxes selected
Pixel Rejection (2)
Min/Max low: 1
Min/Max high: 1
Percentile low: 0.020
Percentile high: 0.010
Sigma low: 4
Sigma high: 3
Linear fit low: 5
Linear fit high: 2.5
Range low: 0
Range high: 0.98
Calibrate the lights, using the master bias, dark and flat files, untick all calibrate and optimize boxes as these masters have already been calibrated and the darks are the same exposure as the lights.
Cosmetic Correction:
Auto detect at default
- hot 3.0 sigma
- cold 3.0 sigma
Now align those calibrated lights using StarAlignment, I kept all the default settings.
The final integration is next:
No hints
Image Integration
Average (Median for better rejection)
Noise evaluation
Select only generate integrated image
Pixel Rejection (1)
Winsorized Sigma
Scale + zero offset
All boxes selected
Pixel Rejection (2)
Note: Settings used for integration of the various calibration files are based on:
Master Calibration Frames: Acquisition and Processing
http://www.pixinsight.com/tutorials/master-frames/en.htmlPost ProcessingATWT with settings
1: S(3.000,1.00,2
2: S(2.000,0.50,2
3: S(1.000,0.50,1
4: S(0.500,0.25,1
K-Sigma on a default 3.00,1.00
tick soft & multiresolution
Rescale again 200% with Bilinear to allow further work on over sampled image, which will later be downsampled.
This step may not be needed, just an idea I had to get the image processed oversampled and downsample later, I will try at a later time not including this in order to compare.
Use HistogramTransformation to convert to non-linear image do not clip blacks and save.
Do a CurvesTransformation with a black end curve to effectivly remove the black spots, clumps that can appear after noise reduction with ATWT. (see curves screenshot)
Note this has to be done very carefully as it is all too easy to destroy and shadow detail. You can see in the screenshot the dark spots that I am aiming to reduce with this CurvesTransformation.
Do further HistogramTransformation to boost contrast, again without clipping the blacks. A further curves to reduce the black patches may be required with further HT or contrast adjustment via CurvesTransformation.
Kernal Radius: 240
Contrast: 1.5
Amount: 0.6
StdDev: 2
Amount 0.8
Dark Structure Enhance Script
Default settings
StdDev: 2.0
Amount 0.60
Iterations 3
Robustness: 5x5 Weighted Average
Structure Size: 5
Lightness Mask: Mid 0.5, Shadow 0.08, Highlights 1.0
Followed by second application of ACDNR with default settings and no lightness mask
8 layers
4: +0.100
6: +0.020
7: +0.010
8: +0.03
HT to reduce contrast slightly
Resampled to 50% so image is at same scale as any RGB images.
CurvesTransformation to slightly reduce contrast.
Amount 0.08
Preserve Median
The added noise improves the image visually where noise reduction looks too smooth in the shadows near lighter areas.
The processing is finished.
These are all the steps I took, some may not be needed but I have recorded all steps taken here, partly for my own reference and it may help someone else.
Additional info: I did not need to do any DynamicBackgroundExtraction, just as well as it would have been difficult to do for this image anyway. I did also did a slight crop just to remove the edges caused by dithering.
Photo info:This is actually only the 4th image I have taken with a telescope and the 2nd Ha image I have ever taken. It was taken on 26th July 2013 from light polluted Manchester (UK) with a bright Moon and thin cloud. The scope is a Takahashi FSQ-106 ED, Guided with an 80mm guidescope with Lodestar camera. The image was recorded using a Canon 500D DSLR with full spectrum mod and I used an Astrodon 5nm Ha filter. There are 19 x 600 second subs, captured & guided with Maxim DL5. The mount is a Skywatcher EZ-EQ6 GT, controlled using EQMOD.
The subs were also dithered by up to 7 pixels in Maxim DL.
I will be posting the image in the Gallery section as well.
Thank you,
PS: The full size image is here: