Hi Don
I've the same camera and an AP 130EDF,so I take most of my image with HDR in mind.
I take long exposure to capture the details and short exposure to replace the stars or other areas bloomed.
As the goal is just to capture the stars not bloomed I made some test to define the optimal exposure time to arrive at 20 to 30000 ADU around 30to 40% full well, it's usually in the range of 10 to 60 seconds, then I expose the 3 filters RGB ( considering an RGB image), total time is quite short 20 to 30mn by filter just enough to capture the stars with good colors.
I then do the individual color pane for short and long exposure ( calibrate register and integration), alignment short and long exposure, and then HDR for each filter. HDR work great and it's easy using binarizing threshold to find the value to replace saturated pixels.
With the HDR pane you then process your image as usual.
You can made a short test before starting your project just exposing an area with some bright stars and compose and HDR image.