Hello PixInsight Community,
I am making my first steps in CCD imaging since a couple of weeks, and also started using PixInsight at the beginning of this year (when I was still using a DSLR).
Currently, I am imaging with a x.6 reduced/corrected 9.25'' SCT and an ATIK 383L monochrome CCD with both LRGB and Narrowband filter sets.
The progress I am making is very satisfying for me, guiding works nearly perfect, focusing gets better and better etc.
But there seems to be one particual aspect where I am not on the right track, and that is flatframes.
Due to the optical train, basically looking like this:
SCT => Reducer => Focuser => Filterwheel => CCD
and sometimes
SCT => Focuser => Reducer => OAG => Filterwheel => CCD
of course I do get a fair amount of vignetting, in the later case paired with the shadow of the OAG mirror.
At first, I didn't care about the flats that much, until again and again I stumbled in PixInsight in the process that my "background" was too hard to extract (basically "real" background + vignetting + dust etc.).
So I started taking flatframes more seriously, taking them against sunsetting sky etc.
The results where better, but not to the point where I hoped they would be or where I saw data in the tutorials.
Thus, I invested in an illuminated flatfield-foil, and took the first flatfields with this the last two nights.
I tried to get my flatfields into the 25% to 50% of full well (that's what I red in a tutorial) of my CCD. Integrated them like the PixInsight-Tutorial tells, and calibrated my lights again.
But still, the flatframes seem to "not do enough". There is a difference between ticking the box for the master flat and selecting it and doing calibration without it, but the difference is not that great. I still struggle greatly with the extremely uneven background introduced by dust and vignetting.
What could be common errors I am doing?
best regards and thanks in advance to any and all help and time provided