Author Topic: Unable to Select background in ColorCalibration and DynamicBackgroundExtraction  (Read 5326 times)

Offline crose01

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Version: 1.8RC7
OS        :OSX 10.8.4
System : MacBook Pro
M27Processed TIFF File

In both these processes the selection '+' appears but user is unable to create a preview area so neither of these tools will work.



Offline pfile

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for fun can you try an external USB mouse?

the tools will work without previews but obviously it's a little better to use previews (or really, regions of interest - if you are really stuck you can add the coordinates of the regions of interest by hand)


Offline crose01

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I get the same issue with a USB mouse as well. I get the magnification box with the coordinates but still not able to draw a box

Offline pfile

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i suppose then then next step is to try resetting pixinsight. this will remove any customizations you have made, so don't do this unless you are willing to re-configure all your customizations:

* FreeBSD and Linux: Run the '' launcher script from a command line with the '--uninstall' argument.

* Mac OS X: Right-click (or Control-click) the application bundle, press the Control key and hold it pressed while you select the 'Open' option from the pop-up menu.

* Windows: Select the 'Start > All Programs > PixInsight Platform > Reset PixInsight Settings' menu option.

Offline crose01

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Nope it's the same again it also affects any other processes that require I select a box. Tried this twice but still no better.



Offline pfile

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i am stumped, are you actually clicking the icon for creating a new preview in the toolbar? PI has two preview creation modes, one has you inputting pixel coordinates with the mouse and one lets you directly create a preview with the mouse. these functions are not tied to any one process so i wonder if there is confusion around how it works.

Offline crose01

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I can create a new preview where I type in the coordinates no problem. It's a bit tedious as the window is modal so I have to write them down beforehand.
The other method (seen in the YouTube Video:  PixInsight Processing Example: NGC 1808 LRGB (Part 1/2)  @ Nine Minutes eleven seconds) involves the user placing the cursor on the preview window or a clone window right-clicking and drawing a box. This box is then available as a entry on a drop down dialog in several 'Processes'. It is this method that I can't do.



Offline pfile

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ok well you need to be in new preview mode with the mouse - click the icon which is highlighted in the attached image, then drag the preview out with the right mouse button.

sorry if you are already doing this and it's not working, but it sounds kind of like you are not.

Offline Andres.Pozo

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I can create a new preview where I type in the coordinates no problem. It's a bit tedious as the window is modal so I have to write them down beforehand.
The other method (seen in the YouTube Video:  PixInsight Processing Example: NGC 1808 LRGB (Part 1/2)  @ Nine Minutes eleven seconds) involves the user placing the cursor on the preview window or a clone window right-clicking and drawing a box. This box is then available as a entry on a drop down dialog in several 'Processes'. It is this method that I can't do.


Perhaps I don't understand what are you trying to do, but the easiest way of creating previews is using the button that I have highlighted in the attached image.

Offline crose01

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Thanks guys I think I have it now. To start I defaulted the toolbars (still no luck) identified the toolbar icon (greyed out) then I selected
the icon next to it which is 'Edit Preview Mode' and voila I'm able to draw a box. Seems like this wan't selected so I didn't have any
option to add a preview. There is another similar 'Add Preview' button which pops up a dialog box

Excellent and it looks like a clear night tonight