Colour calibration can be off without proper calibration. I would take some darks around the same temperature and give that a go, along with bias and flats.
Pepper and salt (light and dark spots/pixels) may also be a calibration issue.
DBE or ABE before CC. Anytime I mention ABE on this forum I get a slap on the wrist. But honestly for trial runs its quick and easy.
EDIT: Boris. You can probably fix the issues with clever processing. But you will be working at it for hours - frustration. I would go back a few steps and get those darks and bias and flats (if you can) and go from there.
Personally, I don't think results from DSS are a good measure for comparison. With PI you really get to see your data and how imporant calibration is to the steps that follow. Your image will be better as a result,