Some CCD manufacturers are now claiming that the dark current of their sensors are so low, there's no reason to take darks. And that in fact, trying to dark subtract will add more noise to the images than it will take away. Even some of the newer DSLRs that come out are getting very good performance when it comes to noise. Dithering can be automated relatively easily into a guiding setup, which can help tremendously with patterned noise.
So my question is, if one uses one of these newer sensors, is dark subtraction really needed any more? Is there some solid evidence to support the idea that dark subtracting could add more noise, or at the least, not significantly remove noise, if dithering is used?
Flats are a pain in the butt to get. Darks are almost as bad. It would be nice if I didn't have to worry about darks, but I'd like some more solid evidence than anecdotal comments and marketing pitches.
(I left bias frames out of the question because they're straight forward, simple to acquire, and don't take a lot of effort. I have noticed that usually subtracting bias makes my images more noisy, but perhaps I'm doing it wrong)