Hi Warren. Yes, this is the replacement we talked about earlier. Indeed TGV may be interpreted as anisotropic diffusion, if we see the iterations as a time evolution. The main difference from TGV to other anisotropic diffusions (normal total variation, and graycstoration too, up to some degree) is that they assume that images are patches, of homogeneus pieces. In other words, images are piecewise constant. TGV, on the other hand, assumes that images are piecewise smooth. This is the advantage of TGV, and why it generates far less artifacts (like, staircaising).
I'm not an expert on the interns of GREYC, but I know that is based on TV, and tries to overcome the staircaising artifacts by using some big modifications to the main algoirithm. The "problem", is that it has been designed for daylight, normal images, with gaussian noise. In that sense, our implementation of TGV is more flexible, since it works with linear or nonlinear data, and the use of the local support frame adds the capability to deal with poisson noise.
Also, from the user point of view, I think that TGV may lead to some "lost of detail" compared to GREYC, since the piecewise constant constrain enhances more sharp edges. But at the same time, TGV will look far more natural, with smooth gradients, and will avoid some of the typical "weird pixels" that arise near sharp edges with GREYC. IMHO, TGV is on top of the wave right now, and it should be even more powerfull in future releases. We have a major upgrade under development, and have several research lines already plotted.
Now, about when to use TGV best... The truth is that we don't know yet. I think that both steps combined will prove to be a good choise. I would use it first at linear stage to smooth a bit the data (low strengths), to facilitate the first stretch and intensity adjustments. Then, I would use as a finisher, to really smooth the background and low signal features (up to taste).
ACDNR based its philosophy on SGBNR
And yes, we kept that in TGV too. Luminance/Chrominance separation is crucial to many denoising problems. Nevertheless, if in linear stage, I should probably try working on RGB first. Just thinking as a purist. But, of course, you all will help us find the best uses and applications of this new tool.