I am brand new to AP and PI (currently on a demo license). Am I correct in assuming that PI does not have a traditional pdf online 'manual' or an indexed 'HELP' file? I'm working from the various tutorials, but just wanted to be sure that I had not missed something.
Hi, thought I would respond as I am about a 1-2 month newbee with PI. Using this software now has become my only way to process images and has improved my game 100-200%... but it is not easy.
There is a lot of printed documentation but not one single set of instructions. I have two binders full of printed instructions, but what I find the most helpful thing has been the two basic tutorials on YouTube and elsewhere (referenced here) to get an overview of workflow and then Harry's video tutorials. It is very hard to get anywhere from the existing documentation since each module is so complex the mean length of each set of docuemntation is about 6 pages... and you need 8 modules at least to get anywhere... Several people here have been very helpful answering basic questions, especially pfile.
Below is my current workflow... it is definately a workflow in progress, but it lists some of the basic steps. Note well the outline does not translate to this forum, but there are major segments to the processing (numbers) and then subsets. I would focus on the numerical main steps first and understand what the goal is, then you can fill in the details.
1. Stack original .FITs images using Menu Script/Batch Processing/BatchPreprocessing
2. Open 4 files in PixInsight
3. LRGBCombination RGB files to make RGB file (NO CHROMINANCE NOISE REDUCTION)
a. DynamicCrop if necessary to reduce vignetting and gradients RGB&L
b. Dynamic Background Extraction RGB & L to remove gradients
c. BackgroundNeutralization (Menu Script/Utilities/PreviewAgregator)
d. ColorCalibration (WHITE 6.6?)
4. Histogram Transform (HT) both the RGB and L to stretch both in the same manner
a. (See PixInsight 1&2 Tutorials)
b. Stretch from ScreenTransferFunction (STF) [default settings]
5. LRGBCombination RGB & L to make LRGB file decreasing Lightness and Saturation to taste [0.45 0.42 M101]
a. DynamicCrop as needed
b. Dynamic Alignment if cropped
c. Drag new RGB triangle over L
6. Extract the L from the RGBL file using Menu Image/Extract
a. HT the L to darken the shadows (to make a mask of the L)
b. Use AtrousWaveletTransform to get out the noise in the soon to be Mask
7. Apply the Mask to the LRBG image: then do
a. HDRMultiscaleTrasform... enhance detail in imageā¦ [default settings]
b. CurvesTransformation the color (s shape)
c. ColorSaturation
d. Invert the Mask (cover the object) then
i. HT to darken the background.
ii. AtrousWaveletTransform
e. Consider ACDNR SCNR