I have been using PixInsight now for a couple weeks and trying to get a handle on it. Ideally I would like to do all my processing on this one platform, but I am not quite there.
I seem to get better results stacking using CCDStacker than PixInsight... flats really seem to clean up images best in CDStacker I can also produce a reasonable RGB image in CCDStacker. However, CCDStacker does not have good gradient removal and PixInsight has DBE. I have severe light polution and gradients with LRGD images seem to be a constant problem... they are limited but still require some processing.
Moving images back and forth between the two platforms seems to require FITs 32-bit floating images... 32-bit integer made by CCDStacker does not seem to read into PixInsight. It is not a pleasure.
Do most users just bite the bullet at use PixInsight for all these processes, including stacking, or is there some clever way to move back and forthe seamlesslessly?