Hi all,
I recently started to learn PixInsight and have worked with some samples pretty well, and now I'm on to my own images. I've taken many exposures of M51 at F/10. In retrospect I need much longer subs, but, for now I'm just trying to calibrate and integrate what I have.
When I try to register/star align my 90s subs, PI can't ever seem to find matching stars. I've tinkered with virtually all of the settings in the Star Alignment tool for awhile, but no luck. The images are dim, but DSS can handle it.
I've looked over the images manually and they should be matchable. There is a bit of shifting in some subs as I wasn't guiding properly, though stars look pretty good. Anyway, was hoping someone had tips so I could go on to the next step and try to integrate the images. If there is any additional info I should post, please let me know!
Thanks much!