Author Topic: PixInsight Crashes A Lot using an iMac OSX (10.8.2) 2013 purchase  (Read 2987 times)

Offline jprovi57

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I have been using PixInsight for about 2 weeks and really like the software (trial licensee)- very powerful and great to use.  However, PixInsight crashes many times while in use and I lose all my work - very frustrating!  I and my brother would like to purchase a license, but the continued crashes is very problematic.  I am using the latest download Core version 1.8 (version (x86,_64) RC3).  The program tends to crash under the following conditions:

- Undo's
- Wavelets
- Saves
- multiple windows

I have attached some screen shots that may help to find the problem.  Any help would be greatly appreciated


Offline georg.viehoever

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RC3 has been relatively unstable, I recommend to update to RC4 ( or use 1.7. The "RC" mark stands for "Release Candidate", meaning that the software is close to being released, but not yet meeting all quality standards.
Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)

Offline jprovi57

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Thank you for the location of RC4... just downloaded - does seem more stable... fingers crossed


Offline Josh Lake

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I've had *much* better luck with RC4 than RC3, and the full 1.8 should be rock solid when it's ready. If you still find it crashing, though, I can highly recommend 1.7 as a completely stable platform.

Offline Lex

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indeed RC4 runs much more stable than its predecessor, nevertheless there are still some issues with pointer/cursor behaviour. In parallel i run it on VM Ware WIN8 and this one is really slow against its MAC brother version...

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