I would like to start using SHO-AIP to develop blends for narrow band images. So far I am unable to get any image at all. Here is what I have attempted:
1) Open an SII, Ha, and an OIII image. Each of these images are in the linear state
2) Open SHO-AIP.
3) In the image selection section of SHO-AIP assign the each of the narrow band images to SII, Ha, OIII.
4) Under mixing options select Auto-STF.
5) Under the layer to combine section use the sliders to select the weighting for each of the R, G, B channels.
After doing this I have selected either New Image or OK. But all I ever get is blace in the preview window and a black new image. I have even used STF on the new image, but it is still black and nothing seems to be there. I have attached a screenshot.
What am I doing wrong?