Carlos, I don't have a problem with outlier rejection, and I don't think trending background levels can be treated as such (with the exception, of course, of sudden changes in few subs due to passing thin clouds, for instance).
The concept of subtracting a pedestal so that the background level of the given sub matches the reference sub, is what I would expect for a normalization method during integration (prior to SNR weighting). The "zero offset" normalization in the outlier rejection section, seems to do that exactly. But there seems to be no equivalent in the integration section. And as I said, the SNR normalization doesn't seem to work in these cases, as subs with higher background levels get weighted higher, and by amounts as much as 30% or more.
One could do this manually, subtracting a pedestal to each sub so as to match the reference (best) sub (will try it). But given that this is a very typical situation in astrophotography, I would expect to see such feature built into the normalization options.