Hello all,
I finally decided to upgrade to the Ripley version and this weekend I strated to process some more of my deep space phots with the Hyperstar, 600d and Hyperstar.
I followed all the tutorial steps I was using with the previous version - Darks & master Dark, Flats and Master Flat, Debayer Script (RGGB for canon) - and when I finally got to the Image Integration result (before I go though all of Harry's and Warren's tutorials), I did a comparison stretch of my 1st Cone (done with the previous PI version) and 2nd Cone (done with the current Ripley PI version).
And I noticed something that I also saw on the M78 Image I processed this weekend: there seem to be some RGB vertical stripes on the 2nd Image Integrated Cone nebula. I'm publishing here a comparison of the Image Integrated stretches of my 1st Cone and 2nd Cone. Bear in mind the 1st cone has 20 x 45" Iso1600 lights and the the 2nd cone has 81 x 45" Iso1600 lights. So I was really expection a much better image...and not the veritical RGB stripes I also saw on my 2nd M78 processed this weekend too.
If you check on the two images you can see that the original Cone with only 20 lights has better quality than the more exposed one. This was not what I was expecting...:-(...
I'm suspecting of the deabyering...r some button that I wrongly pressed on the 1st steps (but I've processed two images thsi weekend and the odds of making the same mistake twice are very thin)...
Please help anyone...