Author Topic: Cropping two images in the same way  (Read 2641 times)

Offline Subhankar

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Cropping two images in the same way
« on: 2013 February 24 07:14:02 »
I have a combined image of 10 x 480s subs. And another combined image of 10 x 60s subs. All 20 subs (10 480s ones, and 10 60s ones) are aligned before combination. And then each sets is combined to produce two stacked images.

I want to crop the 480s sub image in a certain way (leave out edges, center the object etc.). And then I want to use the 60s sub image for star color enhancement, by cropping that image too exactly in the same way.

Is there a way to apply the same crop to a second image in PixInsight? If yes, can someone outline the procedure? I am not able to do it using DynamicCrop. Any other way?


Offline Carlos Milovic

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Re: Cropping two images in the same way
« Reply #1 on: 2013 February 24 08:10:08 »
Yes, you can use dynamic crop.
When you are ready, before applying the DC process, create a new icon of it (drag and drop the blue triangle on the bottom left corner to the background window). Then, you may apply it to another image by dropping the icon on it, or double-clicking on it to launch the interfase window and then apply the changes.
Another option is to recover the icon from the first image's processing history, and either create a new icon on the background, or just drag and drop it on the second image.

An alternative to DynamicCrop is the Crop process.

Carlos Milovic F.
PixInsight Project Developer