You should not need to use any of these workarounds in newly produced script code for PixInsight 1.8.0 RC3 or later. In fact, the fix for Mac OS X in NumericControl should not be present because it isn't required anymore, now that we have a uniform GUI style on all platforms, which does not depend on platform-specific quirks.
The style sheet in BatchPreprocessing is a special case. The same should be achieved with more 'traditional' code like this:
this.font = this.dialog.font;
or even:
this.font = new Font( this.dialog.font );
However, for some strange reason (probably a Qt bug) this doesn't work reliably in the BatchPreprocessing script. You can try it if you want, and you'll see how the first Image Integration panel (on the Bias tab sheet) ignores the font, while the rest of the interface works correctly. Fortunately, a simple Qt style sheet fixes this problem.
Please note that this is a very special case. You shouldn't need to use a similar workaround unless you experience similar problems. In such case, please report them here.