not sure i follow, don't you have a set of bracketed Lum exposures as well as bracketed RGB exposures?
Sorry, I don't know what you mean specifically by
bracketed (never heard that term in imaging before!). What I have is a Luminance exposure of 420s and then R, G and B exposures of 60s and 420s. I've colour-combined the RGB exposures into a 60s image and a 420s image with background gradients extracted, colours calibrated, etc. The 420s Luminance image is also background-extracted and noise on it has been reduced with help of a mask (to reduce it in low SNR areas only).
What I meant is that if I do an LRGBCombination of the linear 420s Luminance with the linear 420s RGB image, I destroy colour saturation and that has a significant effect once HDRComposition composites the 60s RGB with the new 420s LRGB and I stretch the histogram. If I just combine the Luminance with a HDRComposition image that only uses the 60s RGB and 420s RGB (not LRGB!) images, I destroy the detail in the core due to the Luminance being of 420s.
What I got to do last night was just do method 1 - LRGBCombination of linear 420s Luminance and linear 420s RGB and then to recover colour saturation, just perform a CurvesTransformation to Saturation only. Then I do the HDRComposition of this image with the linear 60s RGB and voila - colours are ok, Luminance is combined and HDR is achieved. I think that's the best bet. I still have to play around with the post-processing after this. I'm trying other people's workflows to see how they compare and if I can combine these with mine.