Author Topic: Preview window can get so maximized that it cannot be shrunk with window corners  (Read 5674 times)

Offline astrospotter

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many times now I have had a preview window open for say the curves tool and it ends up getting maximized.
The problem is the lower right and the upper part of the window are hidden and so I cannot grab the corner to make the window be smaller nor can I sort out how to just close the darn thing.  It is sort of a minor bug if a bug at all.

I suspect the workaround is some hot key or menu pulldown to close or shrink this window but for the life of me I cannot find that command in the interface.

So my request is what the heck is a way to make the preview window close using only keystrokes or some pulldown menu?

I realize this is not very serious but it is driving me crazy and I have been using PixInsight for a few years now but this capability alludes me to this day.

Have attached bitmap.   This is PI 1.7 up to date as of a day or so ago.

Offline Geoff

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I have the same problem.  Can't figure it out, but I know that sometime it's going to be a Doh! moment.
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Offline mschuster

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I have this problem with regular image windows from time to time. Typing "close <name>" in the console works, or if I can't see the name then "close *". This does not close preview windows however. But maybe there is something similar?

Offline pfile

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i have never had this happen, but i did notice that PI grows the desktop when you move an image such that part of it goes off the desktop. scroll bars appear and you can then scroll the desktop over.

maybe if you do that and grow the desktop you can then find the edge of the preview and shrink it?


Offline Geoff

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Using View>Fit Window will restore regular image windows or previews to their usual state, but not real time previews.
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Offline Juan Conejero

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The Real-Time Preview window is maximized in your screenshot. To normalize or close a maximized window, use the maximized window buttons at the upper right corner of PI's main window (see attached image).
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Geoff

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I have the same problem.  Can't figure it out, but I know that sometime it's going to be a Doh! moment.
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Offline iksose7

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Just posting in here hoping to get a quick reply rather than starting a new thread. I have the same problem as described above except i have no option to close it in the corner like Juan pointed out! I originally dragged the corner of my RTP to maximize its size for a closer look and not there is so where to grab it to shrink it back down! I have tried View>Fit View ect but no joy.

Any ideas?
