Hi Kai,
you can already start other programs from within PI, for instance like "!grep 'hello' HelloWorld.js" in the console, see "help" in console. You can also use the ExternalProcess object from PJSR or PCL. Not very convenient though.
I was wondering if creating a PI process module that just allows to apply an external executable (such as a Python script, or a C executable such as Sextractor) to the current image would be helpful here. The idea is to create a module that allows to specify a command line, and that on pressing the apply button will save the current image to a FITS file, run the command line, and read in the resulting image back into PI. That appears to cover a number of use cases that I so far did manually, and it would nicely integrate into PI, PCL, PJSR, ProcessContainers etc.
What do you think?