Hi Larry and Jack,
I think what Vicent was referring to is something like this applied with PixelMath:
Max( halpha, 0.7*red )
where halpha and red are your Ha and red frames, respectively. The 0.7 multiplying factor is just an example; you have to find the appropriate value by trial-error.
The expression above should be applied to the halpha image, to form the new combined red channel image. You can easily try it out on a preview.
The idea behind this expression is replacing Ha pixels where red is stronger than Ha. This happens basically around stars, since these are larger on the red image. However, as Vicent pointed out, one problem is that by doing this some noise from the red frame is transferred to the Ha frame, which is not good at all. Hence the multiplying factor in the expression above.
Another way to avoid noise transference is using a star mask when applying the expression above. Such a mask would protect the background and relatively dim regions, where we want no red pixels at all. The mask should be active for the halpha image, which is the target of PixelMath in this case.
Vicent, please correct this if I'm wrong.
Hope this helps