I wanted to see what I could do with the M42 data despite missing calibration. Here is what I got going into integration and stretch, but not beyond this (e.g. noise reduction):
- load CR2 files into Animate script. Identify image LIGHT_25s_400iso_+24c_1007stdev_20121109-02h17m48s878ms.CR2 as unusable because it has double exposure
- Align images with default settings in StarAlignment
- Stack images with ImageIntegration, using Average, No Weighting, no rejection
- Crop image not to include the border of the stacked area
- Simulate Bias subtraction with DBE: Place 4 points into the dark corners of the image, correct by subtraction. Need to set tolerance to 10 for this.
- Simulate Flat division with DBE: Place sample points carefully across the image, avoding stars and nebula, correct by division.
- Use STF to get visual impression, see screenshot left. Now compare this to the result immediately after stacking (without "pseudo" calibation) on the right. In the "calibrated" version, you still see some of the artifacts that could have been avoided with proper calibration. Nevertheless, it is a start...
Just an experiment.