I have a set of 171 images taken at the recent solar eclipse in northern Australia that I have been attempting to process in PixInsight. They were taken during the period of totality with a DSLR and 200mm lens on a fixed tripod at a range of exposures (using in-camera bracketing).
So far the best result (see attached image) was produced by using the FFTRegistration script to register and sum small batches of images. These summed images were processed with the LarsonSeknina process to bring out the details of the corona and then registered manually in Photoshop (so that the coronal features coincided) and combined into a single image.
This was a fairly painful manual and experimental process, so I didn't actually use all of the subs. I'm planning to go back now and process all of the subs to see if I can get a better result and I'm looking for helpful suggestions on how to do the registration more accurately.
The problem is that I need to register all of the subs against the corona, not the moon, since they are moving relative to each other. FFTRegistration does a great job of registering the subs against the moon but that's not what I want.
One idea I have is to measure the displacement between my first and last image and then use the image timestamps to interpolate delta x,y values for each image and use a script to do a translation on each image. If anybody has a better suggestion I would love to hear it!