Thanks that makes sense. If I want to do a 50%/50% blend what is the best way to make the mask?
i'm not sure this is any easier than pixelmath, but maybe. if you want to apply any process at a 50% strength (or any strength) then you can just create an image with all pixel values = 0.5 and use that as a mask.
generally though i like to do the HDR transforms and LocalContrastEqualization only on the high-SNR parts of an image. so i just extract the Lightness from the image, then adjust the histogram so that the background is clipped off and the high-SNR parts are pretty bright (like maybe 0.75 or so). then i'll smooth the mask by removing the first 4 wavelet scales with AtrousWavelets and then maybe touch up the histogram again. i suppose you could do the wavelets first and then do the HT, though.
so then i apply this new L image as the mask, and then run the contrast enhancement stuff. seems to work pretty well.
Jim_, i think this answers your question also?
masks are pretty fundamental in PI; they are the most basic way of controlling what a process does to what parts of your image.