
October 2012 PixInsight Astrophotography Contest Poll

[1] NGC7023, VdB141 (Iris and Ghost nebulae) in Cepheus by  vi100.
10 (14.7%)
[2] NGC7317 (Stephan's Quintet) in Pegasus by  wvandenberghe.
17 (25%)
[3] NGC7293 (Helix nebula) in Aquarius by Alejandro Tombolini.
8 (11.8%)
[4] M20 (Trifid nebula) in Sagittarius by Graham.
5 (7.4%)
[5] NGC253 (Sculptor galaxy) in Sculptor by idiaz.
11 (16.2%)
[6] M8, M20 (Lagoon and Trifid nebulae) Sagittarius by  Philippe B.
17 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 43

Voting closed: 2012 November 01 05:05:36

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