I hope you could help me.
I've take a series of 600s picture of iris nebula with my sbig st10 and I've got blooming in few stars. So I also took also 10 pictures with 60s exposure to remove the blooming.
Since yesterday i try to remove blooming on each calibrated pictures with different technique, like the hdrcombination or with the maxim dl debloomer plugin, this last work pretty good but it don't replace the value that are bottom the blooming and if I want to work correctly I have to save my image in 16 bits so I loose some detail.
With the HDRCombination, it's work but the picture made with 60s exposure is more noisy that the 600s exposure so when I use HDRCombination I've got noiser value that took place at least at blooming. I have try to remove noise using a blooming mask but the result is not really good.
I'm french so excuse me for my english.
What do you recommend me to do?
Thank in advance