Sander> Can you measure those black pixels and confirm they really have a value of 0?
Hi Sander. If you look at the the stats block in the dark-subtracted light image I posted, you can see the minimum value is 0, whereas the minimum value in the master bias is around 640. I also just looked at the (unrescaled) dark-subtracted light again in the PixInsight HistoTransform tool and it shows 58K pixels or 2.8% are clipped at a shadow threshold of 0.0000153 (1 / 65535).
Mike> Maybe try a sanity check on your subframes and masters. This might flag a problem in master generation....
Mike, thanks for the check suggestions. Here are the results:
median, noise s.d.
bias frame: 648.0, 3.863e-04
bias master: 646.500, 6.149e-05 (50 subs)
dark frame 1: 905.0, 2.438e-03; 2: 811.0, 7.819e-04; 3: 883.0, 2.608e-03
dark master: 888.357, 2.212e-03 (46 subs); 886.200, 2.017e-03 (26 subs); 896.200, 2.017e-03 (20 subs)
Things look largely OK except for the noise level in the master-darks, it's not significantly better than the dark frame samples I measured, worse than one of them. Even more oddly, the noise doesn't seem to get better with subexposure count, I built new masters as I was shooting the darks, going from 20 to 46 frames, noise a tad worse in the 46 sub master!? Could this be from excessive non-linear hot-pixels? Also tried masters generated by the pre-processing script and they are identical to those made by hand with Vicet's recommended integration settings.
Thanks all