Need some help, please. When running the BatchPreprocessing script v1.22, sometimes it fails ("couldn't execute in global context...") because it says that it's "searching for a Master Dark of 2sec exposure" presumably to match the exposure time of my 2-sec lightbox flats. Most of the time this does not occur when, as usual I give it only a Master Bias at the temperature of the flats, and everything works just fine without complaint. Why is the script doing this (and only sometimes)? I can't figure out what's different when it does this, except it has occurred only on R,G,B calibrations that are binned 2x2 and haven't seen it when L-only frames without binning are being calibrated. I can calibrate these same flats in the standard (Peris tutorial) method without problem and I guess use that MasterFlat as a workaround for this problem, but it seems this is a problem with the script, not me. Or is it me?
Help appreciated to make the BatchPreprocessing script work for me on this.