Author Topic: Harry's PixInsight tutorial "Add Ha to RGB"  (Read 8240 times)

Offline topboxman

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Harry's PixInsight tutorial "Add Ha to RGB"
« on: 2012 September 13 09:32:03 »

I find Harry's PixInsight tutorial very intuitive and easy to learn. I am deaf and cannot listen to the narration but his videos make it pretty trivial to understand. There is one tutorial that I think I found a discrepancy and need help from some of you to listen to the video. Here is a link to the video about "Adding Ha to a RGB Galaxy The Vicent Peris Way":

If you scroll down you will see description of Pixel Math. Look at the following:

E) Select and Place your red channel image here

Looking at the video, notice the file name called AA5RGB_DBE_DBE_r. Harry used this file as a "red" channel in the first part of the video. Later in the second part of the video he split this SAME file into separate Red, Green and Blue images. This tells me this file is NOT a red channel. Please clarify.


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Re: Harry's PixInsight tutorial "Add Ha to RGB"
« Reply #1 on: 2012 September 13 11:14:13 »

Sorry for missing your email  :-[  and :-[

You are the second person to say this so I must have the video wrong  :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

You do add it to the red channel so split the channels and add to the red and the recombine  :laugh:

This script does make life easier

Kind Regards Harry
Harry Page

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Re: Harry's PixInsight tutorial "Add Ha to RGB"
« Reply #2 on: 2012 September 13 11:30:44 »
Thank you very much.


Offline topboxman

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Re: Harry's PixInsight tutorial "Add Ha to RGB"
« Reply #3 on: 2012 September 13 19:10:27 »
I believe I now understand the tutorial. I also find HaRGB script pretty cool!!!!

I have a question. Why do RGB combination twice? Why not add Ha to Red and and then do RGB combination. Why RGB combine, split RGB, add Ha to Red and then RGB combine with new Ha/Red?
