Author Topic: Running several instances of PI - different startup behaviour  (Read 2956 times)

Offline Christoph Puetz

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Dear community,

sometimes I run PI with 2 instances in parallel.
The second (or 3rd, ...) instance provides different initialisation values (i.e. in format explorer) and only
the basic modules are loaded, while the first instance loads an individual set.

This might be intended and could be useful.

My question is: Is there a way to edit an initialisation file in order to keep the startup behaviour the same for
all instances? Otherwise I had to set all values and modules "per hand" for each new instance.

Thanks in advance !

Kind regards,
ATIK 383L+, Canon EOS 450d, modified,
Canon EOS 500d, 
20" Planewave CDK, 6" APO Starfire Refractor,
Celestron 8", Skywatcher ED80,
Peterberg Observatory (
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Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Running several instances of PI - different startup behaviour
« Reply #1 on: 2012 September 09 18:08:18 »
Hi Christoph,

In the second instance go to
Process>Modules>Install Modules>Search>Install and you will install missing modules.
Scripts>FeatureScript>Add and you will install missing scripts.

For Favorites, go to Process>Favorites in your first instance of PI and "Save Favorites Process Collection", then go to Process>Favorites in your second instance of PI and "Load Favorites Process Collection"


Offline georg.viehoever

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Re: Running several instances of PI - different startup behaviour
« Reply #2 on: 2012 September 09 19:59:12 »
I hope this unintuitive "feature" is going away with version 1.80. I am pretty sure it is partly responsible for the many "module xy disappeared " messages that we are seing.

Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)

Offline Christoph Puetz

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Re: Running several instances of PI - different startup behaviour
« Reply #3 on: 2012 September 15 01:42:58 »
Hallo Georg and Alejandro, thanks for your replies (and sorry for answering late) !
Alejandro: This is a good workaround for me and it works.
Kind regards,
ATIK 383L+, Canon EOS 450d, modified,
Canon EOS 500d, 
20" Planewave CDK, 6" APO Starfire Refractor,
Celestron 8", Skywatcher ED80,
Peterberg Observatory (
PixInsight, PHD-Guiding
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